

维拉诺瓦的驻地计划在驻地生活工作人员、学生长以及学术顾问和辅导员的支持下,为其成员提供了一个安全和幸福的家。你的孩子将受益于一个以圣奥古斯丁的信仰和传统及其教义为基础的国际社会。我们欢迎来自各种信仰和文化的学生,并看到每个年轻人都有固有的尊严和价值。正如圣奥古斯丁所说:“主啊,你为自己创造了我们... 我们的心不安,直到他们安息在你里面。”我们帮助引导年轻人的心灵和思想发展,促进学业和情感成长,并努力帮助年轻和躁动不安的人在维拉诺瓦及其他地区的生活中找到平静和方向。

Catholic Mission

The resident program at Villanova welcomes students from many different backgrounds, countries and faiths. Founded on rich Catholic Augustinian tradition, the Resident Program seeks to form the mind, body and soul of each of its residents. Augustinian Education regards education as an essentially pastoral activity with regard to the whole and integral development of a young person’s mind, spirit, and body. Villanova Preparatory School, in the spirit of St. Augustine, attempts to model the truth with love, and strives to enable our students to acquire a knowledge of the world, the faith, and humanity that is illumined by the Catholic faith.